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EU ready to violate democratic principles - interview with George Simion

Źródło: wywiad z George Simionem - sztab kandydata

Interview of the portal with George Simion, president of the AUR party, candidate in the presidential elections in Romania.

Călin Georgescu has been excluded from the election race. What alternative do Romanians now have against Brussels’ offensive against democracy and freedom?

The exclusion of Călin Georgescu is not just an attack on one candidate—it is an attack on the entire Romanian people. This was a political maneuver orchestrated to ensure that only Brussels-approved candidates remain in the race. When a government, pressured by unelected bureaucrats, decides who is and isn’t allowed to run, democracy ceases to exist.

The alternative is clear—patriots, conservatives, and all those who value Romania’s sovereignty must unite behind candidates who put Romania first. That is why I have stepped into this race. This is no longer about individual politicians; this is about whether we allow the fundamental right to choose our leaders to be taken away from us.

The Brussels narrative in Romania is that any right-wing candidate who runs in the presidential elections and is inconvenient for Brussels is immediately labelled as a pro-Russian politician. You once described yourself as "the most Russophobic party president" in Romania. Could you elaborate on that?

This is the same recycled smear tactic we have seen across Europe. If you challenge Brussels, you are “pro-Russian.” If you criticize mass migration, you are “pro-Russian.” If you call for national sovereignty, you are “pro-Russian.” It’s an absurd and desperate attempt to discredit those who refuse to bow to the globalist agenda.

Let me be clear—I am not, nor have I ever been, pro-Russian. AUR is not pro-Russian. We are a patriotic movement that puts Romania’s interests first, and that means resisting any form of foreign control—whether it comes from the East or the West. I have repeatedly stated that Romania must remain a strong NATO ally and play a key role in regional security, particularly in deterring Russian aggression in Eastern Europe. The Kremlin does not dictate Romania’s future, just as Brussels does not.

Those pushing this false narrative ignore the fact that the real threat to Romania’s sovereignty today comes from unelected officials in Brussels who believe they have the right to overrule our nation’s democratic choices. The Romanian people will not tolerate being used as pawns in this geopolitical game.


What is Brussels so afraid of that they are interfering so brutally in the elections of one of their own member states—ignoring that it is a sovereign country? Are they afraid that their candidate won’t win because Romanians will vote as they wish?

Brussels is terrified of losing control. They are afraid that if Romania elects a leader who does not take orders from them, other nations will follow. They do not want independent states within the EU; they want obedient provinces that do as they are told. This is about power, not democracy.

Their candidate is weak, and they know it. They know that Romanians are waking up, that we are tired of corruption, of being treated as second-class citizens in the EU, and of having decisions imposed on us without our consent. Rather than respecting our democracy, they resort to interference—blocking candidates, manipulating courts, and using the media to discredit those who do not conform to their agenda.

Let me be clear: We are not anti-EU. We are anti-interference. We believe in a Europe of sovereign nations, not a centralized empire where bureaucrats dictate our future. Romania’s place is in Europe, but as an equal partner, not a servant.


In the first round of these elections, which was annulled in Bucharest by Brussels, you finished fourth with 13.9% of the vote. You and the POT leader, Anamaria Gavrilă, announced on Wednesday, after meeting with Călin Georgescu, that you would be running in the presidential elections. Anamaria also stated that if the central electoral office allows both candidacies—hers and yours—one of you will withdraw from the race. You are raising the level of difficulty for the commission. Excluding both of you would be an obvious violation of democratic principles, which have already been trampled with the annulment of the first round last year and the exclusion of Georgescu. Do you think they won’t exclude both of you?

We cannot underestimate their willingness to violate democratic principles—because they have already done so. 

If they remove us, they will prove to the world that this election is a fraud. The Romanian people understand what it’s going on, and every step they take to suppress us only strengthens our movement.

You know very well that now it is Romania, and soon it will be Poland. We are in exactly the same position. The same narrative is being used, and the same methods will be applied—methods of the so-called "fight for the rule of law." How can we oppose this?

We oppose it by standing together. Romania, Poland, Hungary, and every nation that still values its sovereignty must unite against this assault on national identity. Brussels uses the same tactics everywhere: judicial manipulation, media control, and economic pressure to force nations into submission. We must create a strong, united front that refuses to accept interference in our democratic processes.



Patriots in Europe face a tremendous challenge: on one side, the militarily aggressive imperialist Russia, and on the other, the bureaucratically oppressive Brussels. Two regimes, two machines led by ruthless people. Today, both Brussels and Moscow stand on the same side of the barricade, and they share the same goal: to destroy what has been most precious in Europe for centuries, for which generations of different nations have fought and shed blood—freedom. They want to take that freedom away from us. The Brussels boot or the Moscow boot. The fight for freedom has begun in earnest. In Romania. Do you agree?

Yes, the fight for freedom has begun, and Romania is at the forefront. We are caught between two forces—one that seeks to dominate through military aggression and another that seeks to dominate through political coercion. Both are enemies of national sovereignty. Our ancestors fought and died for a free Romania, not a country that takes orders from Moscow or Brussels.

But make no mistake: this fight is not just ours. It is a fight for all of Europe. If we allow this to happen here, it will happen everywhere. And that is why we must resist, we must stand strong, and we must remind Brussels that nations are not provinces, and people are not subjects.

Szymon Biel spoke with George Simion, a candidate for the presidency of Romania.

Source: portal

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